Study Tips for When You're Short on Time

As a rule of thumb, it is usually not a good idea to cram before an exam. The BBC highlighted a misconception about memory that might show why many struggle even if they spent several hours studying right before the exam. While we won't get into the nuts and bolts of the research (you can read that here) we will say that students do believe that they are learning when they cram. However, instead of memorizing the information, many are only becoming familiar with that information. Research indicates that cramming often instead doesn't lead to recalling the information when needed for an exam or discussion. Science argues that spaced repetition often produces a better outcome.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Chances If You Do Need to Cram?

  • In a perfect world, you would set an hour or two every evening to enable spaced repetition to learn the material. Unfortunately, even when an honest effort is made, this can be difficult - especially for non-traditional students who may have to juggle career and family with going back to school. If you are short on time, here are several tips to help you make the most of the study time you do have:

Study Somewhere Other than Your Home: In order to get the most out of your study session, you'll need as few distractions as possible. Therefore, it might be in your best interest to take the books and head out to the library, Starbucks, or somewhere else where you know you won't be bothered.

Study in a Group: Make friends with others in your class who may have a similarly busy schedule and set up a specific time to meet and go over class material. There is something to be said about collaborative learning, and you might be able to help each other with notes, questions, etc. Plus, it's tougher to avoid or cancel if you know you'll be affecting others as well.

Remember to Take Short Breaks and Sleep: Every hour, make sure to take a few minutes to stand up and stretch, so you don't burn yourself out. In addition to that, remember that an all-nighter out will also affect your ability to retain information. Students who sleep more than six hours the night before an exam typically report better results.

If you are taking courses at National American University, please know that there are resources available to help you learn the material. From professor office hours to online tutoring, be sure to check these out if you are struggling to get enough study time or want more from your study session.Enter your text here...

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